Le parrainage citoyen pour les personnes en besoin de protection internationale : quel rôle pour les collectivités territoriales en France ?

On the 30st of March 2021 the SHARE Network co-organised an online event with the French National Association of Welcoming Cities and Territories (ANVITA) and the Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI) in collaboration with the Féderation de l'Entraide Protestante (FEP) , the Global Refugee Sponsorships Initiative (GRSI) . The event formed part of ANVITA’s wider work on solidarity in migration and asylum. It aimed at familiarising network members with global resettlement needs and the role of expanded complementary pathways, presented by UNHCR France, in contributing to global refugee protection. It also explored how ANVITA members can support humanitarian corridor and community sponsorship programmes implemented by FEP on the ground. This is the French report.


Transnational Roundtable on Community Sponsorship Evaluations


What can cities do to support refugees?