Data Privacy Policy

During your visit to this website, cookies or similar technologies may be used to improve the overall usability of the website. Cookies are small data files that are placed on your computer or portable devices. These data files contain the necessary information to make your visit to our website easier.

This cookie policy set out which cookies are used on this site and how to remove them.


Types of cookies 

There are several different types of cookies, classified according to lifespan, origin and function. With regard to lifespan, cookies can be classified as either permanent or session cookies.

  • Permanent cookies: These cookies remain on your computer for a certain period of time after each visit to our website. They are activated when you visit the website again.

  • These cookies remain on your computer during your visit to the website, but are deleted immediately when you leave the website.

There are also cookies that are classified according to their origin, namely Third Party cookies and First Party cookies.

  • First Party cookies: These are cookies that are placed by the website that you are currently visiting.

  • Third Party cookies: These are cookies placed on the website by a third party.

Finally, there are also cookies that are classified according to functionality.

  • Functional cookies: these cookies are necessary. If these cookies are removed, the website will not function properly.

  • Non-functional cookies: These cookies are not necessary for the functioning of the website, but can be classified according to their purpose.

    • Statistical (analytical and/or tracking)

ICMC Europe Data Privacy Policy 

Google Analytics

The SHARE Network uses a tool called “Google Analytics” to collect information about how our site is used, such as how often users visit this site, how they access the site, and the pages they visit when here.

Google Analytics collects only the IP address assigned to you on the date you visit this site, rather than your name or other identifying information, to create a permanent cookie that identifies you as a unique user. The Google Analytics Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy restrict Google’s ability to use and share information collected through Google Analytics, but you can prevent the software from recognising you on return visits to the site by disabling cookies, should you wish to do so. The SHARE Network does not combine information collected through the use of Google Analytics with personally identifiable information, and makes use of Google Analytics information solely for the purposes of improving the site and the experiences of those who use it.

Cookies list

Cookie Group Cookie Duration
Share Network Locked, crumb, ss_cvr, ss_cvt Sesion
Google Analytics _ga, _gid 1 day
Squarespace cmpai_cookie_privacy, cmapi_gtm_bl, notice_behavior, notice_gdpr_prefs notice_preferences 1 Month