The Share Network publishes its second policy brief on meaningful participation for the integration and inclusion of newcomers in the EU

Share’s new policy brief builds on the momentum of recent EU policy commitments and approaches for integration and participation in rural territories. It presents examples of inspiring participation practices and advocates for mainstreaming of participation for integration across the EU.

At Share, we believe that participatory approaches promote the inclusion of newcomers and local communities in the elaboration, implementation and evaluation of the integration policies and actions that affect them and that they can benefit all the actors involved. In our first Share policy brief, we presented our Share Inclusive Territories approach, which provides a vision and a framework that guides the participation of all populations as integration actors.  

Our second policy brief takes a look at the recent EU policy, in particular the role of participation in EU rural development and revitalisation policy. It builds on the New Pact on Asylum and Migration and the announced new Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027, as well as on the Long-term Vision for the EU’s Rural Areas: towards stronger, connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas by 2040.  

The policy brief presents: 

  • the results of our mapping of participation for integration in practice 

  • 12 concrete examples of successful and promising approaches across the EU & 

  • our recommendations for action by key stakeholders to further develop the participation for refugee and migrant integration in the EU, at all levels of governance and policymaking in the coming period.  

At Share, we look forward to contributing the experience and expertise of our community of practice to the implementation of EU policy commitments for participation for refugee and migrant integration in the coming years, in particular for rural territories. Our recent mapping and consultation show many inspiring examples of participatory practice for the settlement and integration of newcomers across the EU. Our key task in the coming period is therefore to ensure the mainstreaming of participation across policymaking and action for the inclusion of newcomers in the EU.  


Strengthening Refugee Participation in Community-led Initiatives and Advocacy


Fourth regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platform for migrant and refugee integration in Mazovia