Third regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platform for migrant and refugee integration in Soria

The regional platform is set up in the framework of the Share SIRA project, our European project co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, which aims at strengthening and expanding the social orientation and overall integration of newcomers in rural territories in Europe. Besides Soria, regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platforms have also been set up in 9 other rural regions in Europe. Click here to find out more about these regions!


On 24 November 2021, IOM Spain and Fundación CEPAIM, with the support of ICMC Europe (lead of the SHARE Network), organized the third roundtable of the regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platform for migrant and refugee integration in the Province of Soria, Spain.

21 stakeholders joined the event, 18 online and 3 onsite, including regional authorities and agencies, NGOs, migrant and refugee led organisations, volunteers, as well as refugees and migrants.

After a presentation of the long-term vision for EU’s Rural Areas, and of the pilot actions selected in the framework of the Share SIRA project, a space for discussion was opened to address the topic of migrants' participation in forums and activities. The discussion revolved around a series of questions: 

  • What constitutes genuine participation? 

  • What does participation entail? What opportunities does social and community participation offer? 

  • What tends to be the main motivation for participating in forums and meeting spaces? 

  • What is the level of involvement of migrants in community activities and participation forums? 

  • What are the main challenges to participation, especially for migrants? 

It was difficult to encourage newcomers to share their experiences on participation at first. They can sometimes feel embarrassed or self-conscious to speak in public because they feel insecure about their level of Spanish, they do not feel comfortable enough to speak in that space, or do not dare to make themselves heard. 

Several challenges for migrants’ participation were enumerated such as the lack or scarce transport option to attend onsite events, the digital gap, and the lack of time or incompatibility of schedules. In fact, to ensure the attendance of migrants at this roundtable, the organisers had to find a space for them to attend in person since they didn’t have access to a computer and/or the Internet. Offering both options – either to attend online or come in person – supports the participation of more newcomers.

Despite the challenges, it was also pointed out that the creation of networks thanks to the participation in activities and forums allows many migrants to get out of social isolation. The participants indicated that they would like to learn more about intercultural community action, entrepreneurship and women's employment in rural areas, rural initiatives and the promotion of social movements in rural areas.  The participants were also interested in following the development of the three pilot projects to be implemented in Spain. 

The stakeholders involved in the regional platforms will gather on one more occasion in 2022. You can find more information on the activities in Soria on the regional webpage.


Third regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platform for migrant and refugee integration in Teruel


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