European Migration Forum Elects ICMC Europe to represent European Civil Society

Following her election as a European civil society representative on the Bureau of the European Migration Forum for 2024-26, ICMC Geneva interviews our Programme and Policy Officer Anna Coulibaly on her hopes and priorities for the coming period.

I was motivated to apply because of the contribution I felt ICMC Europe and the SHARE Network could bring. The EMF provides a unique opportunity to build bridges between the local and regional levels and both civil society and institutional policymakers at the EU level, the core focus of Share. Local and regional voices are so often underrepresented in European discussions, and our bottom-up, multi-level, and participation-focused approach can make a real contribution to remedying this gap.

The article discusses the aim of the EMF, its bureau and what ICMC Europe/ Share Network can bring to the table as a European civil society Bureau Member. Additionally, it discusses the mandate, the next EMF topics and how the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum may impact the EMF.

Read the full interview here


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