Joint Statement: Labour Migration -Comments on the latest Positions of the European Parliament in view of the Triloges

On 15th of November 2023, as the European Parliament and Council are working to reach a compromise on two labour migration directives the Single Permit (SP) and Long Term Residence (LTR), together with the Churches throughout Europe, we would like to underline our hope for enhanced mobility and rights for third-country nationals, the prospects for efficient procedures and a broader inclusivity, which would signal a proactive stride towards reinforcing the EU's commitment to equal treatment and integration.

The proposed reforms to the SPD and the LTR directive are pivotal step toward addressing structural labour shortages, enhancing worker protections, and promoting equal treatment in the European Union. It is our hope that the measurers combining simplification, strengthening of rights and protection of labour migrants included in the European Commission´s proposals and the European Parliament’s amendments will receive positive reactions by the council in the near future.


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