SHARE QSN Magazine (July 2021)

With an introduction by the ICMC team, the magazine includes a foreword on the impact of Covid-19 on resettlement and community sponsorships as well as on the SHARE Network's priorities for the post-pandemic times. In this edition, you can read about:

• SHARE Project Partners and their community sponsorship programmes at the national level;
• SHARE Sponsorship Stories, from a sponsor group in France and the refugee family they support;
• SHARE publications and resources, such as the report on Monitoring & Evaluation of Community Sponsorship;
• SHARE events – including the virtual roundtable on Refugee Sponsorship and Student Pathways.

We welcome your comments, feedback and input on this first edition of the SHARE Quality Sponsorship Network (QSN) Magazine, and your ideas and suggestions for forthcoming issues. 


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